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Now available on PRIME TV free to members Type 'Medium; in to Prime TV
currently screening in second place Sept 2024
The Other Side with Karen Knight
Local Psychic makes Prime TV no 2 spot for ‘mediums’
Now showing on PRIME TV - Free to Prime members. Documentary on Psychic Power and Mediumship. Type in 'Medium' on Prime TV and scroll down to select. If you don’t have Prime TV is is still available to you to view for under £5 on Amazon or on Vimeo.
Come to our exciting Premiere and Mind Body & Spirit Fair at the Radisson Palace Hotel, Southend - Red Carpet Event on 21st Sept 2024 4pm Mind Body Spirit Fair then 8pm Premiere. The afternoon will involve platform demonstrations by other mediums, private readings, well being stalls, treatments and healing. We will be celebrating getting to No2 on the mediumship chart, currently above Long Island Medium (who I love) and Hollywood Medium! Awesome – we can’t believe it! The documentary will be shown (1hour 40mins) at 8pm, there is a bar and food available at the hotel, parking across the street in the Royals car park. Really hope you can join us.
https://vimeo.com/ondemand/karenknightto view the trailer on Vimeo
link https://vimeo.com/ondemand/karenknight to view the trailer
Awesome News! The Other Side with Karen Knight documentary is now out on Amazon Prime TV! That’s right! AMAZON TV! I am hosted a Premiere and Mind Body Spirit Event on Saturday 21st September 2024 at the Palace Radisson Hotel (Southend seafront opposite the Royals) to celebrate and thank all my lovely supporters and friends
To view the professional photography by AA DavisPhotography and some snaps from public and fiends please see the Gallery...
Whooo hoooo ...was invited on to BBC Essex Radio to talk to the lovely Sadie Nine about the TV documentary #theothersidewithkarenknight ahead of the Premiere on the 21st .Ian Lench came with and I believe its available on podcast / catch up the interview on BBC Radio Essex Website.
The interview date was Sunday 15th September 2024.
(£5.55 shipping)
Guardian Goddess Oracle Cards by Karen Knight - First Edition (70 cards)
Price £55.00 plus £5.55 UK Post and Packing = £60.55
If purchasing outside of the UK please email karen and ask for a postage quote: karenknight2017@gmail.com. I will post out within 3 working days.
Karen will connect in and record a 15min reading which will be sent to you via YouTube private link. Karen will use cards and connect with your spirit guides to offer you help on your path (present). The link will be sent to you within 28 days. Future cards; one to five year predictions and predications for retirement and psychic insight will also be given.
Please ensure you check your PayPal email address for your reading. The reading will be channelled for the person named on the PayPal account. Your PayPal email receipt is confirmation of your order. Please advise via email or text if there is an issue with your PayPal email and include another email address or telephone number. You will receive your reading within 28 days depending on the diary commitments. I will update PayPal as order 'SENT' once it is done.
Please note terms and conditions for this service - please keep these videos private. You are not permitted to share on public platforms without prior consent and agreement from Karen Knight.
Karen will connect in and record a 20min reading which will be sent to you via YouTube private link. Karen will use cards and connect with your spirit guides and pull PAST and PRESENT cards help on your path (present). Future cards; one to five year predictions and predications for retirement and psychic insight will also be given. The link will be sent to you within 28 working days depending on diary commitments. Healing & Clearing will be sent remotely on the evening that the reading is recorded.
Please ensure you check your PayPal email address for your reading. The reading will be channelled for the person named on the PayPal account. Your PayPal email receipt is confirmation of your order. Please advise via email or text if there is an issue with your PayPal email and include another email address or telephone number. You will receive your reading within 28 days depending on the diary commitments. I will update PayPal as order 'SENT' once it is done.
Please note terms and conditions for this service - please keep these videos private. You are not permitted to share on public platforms without prior consent and agreement from Karen Knight.
Karen will connect in and record a 10min reading which will be sent to you via YouTube private link. Karen will use cards and connect with your spirit guides to offer you help on your path (present). The link will be sent to you within 28 days depending on diary commitments. Future cards; one to five year predictions and predications for retirement and psychic insight will also be given.
Please ensure you check your PayPal email address for your reading. The reading will be channelled for the person named on the PayPal account. Your PayPal email receipt is confirmation of your order. Please advise via email or text if there is an issue with your PayPal email and include another email address or telephone number. You will receive your reading within 28 days depending on the diary commitments. I will update PayPal as order 'SENT' once it is done.
Please note terms and conditions for this service - please keep these videos private. You are not permitted to share on public platforms without prior consent and agreement from Karen Knight.
Connecting you with your loved ones in spirit & offering psychic guidance
Private international readings available with live video appointments
Knight Way Academy - Reiki Courses Available
Card Reading & Mentorship Course - Coming Soon
Mentorship Calls / Tuition Calls
FACEBOOK group - Souls ReUKnighted
An online course with instructional videos, distance attunements, workbooks and associated documents and video call mentoring designed to teach you;
Level 1 & Level 2 Usui Reiki
Knight Way Level 1 in Mediumship & Card Reading
Knight Way Diploma in Energy Protection.
For questions or to book a reading, please send me a message. I will get back to you soon. If your enquiry is urgent please reach out via the whatsapp button below
By Appointment
Karen Knight Psychic Medium & Healer
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